Saturday, October 2, 2010

Our Adventures - October 2, 2010

Hey, ya'll!  This weekend, Jerry & I celebrate one year of knowing each other.  Since I was not on-call this weekend, we decided to take an "adventure" - and so headed out towards Apalachicola for a jaunt.  To get there, we had to travel through the community of Callaway, then Tyndall AFB, Mexico Beach, Port St. Joe, and finally, Apalachicola.  It's a GORGEOUS ride along the Gulf of Mexico.  We did about 100 miles one-way on this trip, and just took our time, enjoyed the scenery, and chilled out. 

I thought we'd stop and ramble around in Apalachicola, but Jerry had other plans.  We just kept on going, and ended up near the town of Panacea, where we stopped at the foot of the Ocklochonee Bay bridge and ate at this wonderful restaurant called Angelo & Sons Seafood Restaurant.  (Pix below.)  Jerry & I just got a couple of appetizers to share, and Mags, of course, had the cheese burger.  Jerry got the crab stuffed mushrooms, which were without a doubt THE BEST mushrooms I have ever tasted in my life.  If you ever find yourself in Panacea, do yourself a favor and stop at Angelo's.  You wont' regret it.

At the top temp today, it was about 81 degrees, and the sky was clear and beautifully blue - well, there WERE some puffy white clouds, but it just added to the beauty of the day.  If Mag hadn't have wanted to go, we'd have taken the hotrod and rode with the top down, no doubt.  I love the wind blowing in my face and the sunshine shining down on me.  :)

Anyway, Jerry & I are celebrating one year of being together.  We have had a wondeful year that has been spent getting to know each other, travelling, and just being a regular "real" family.  I really wish I could better articulate to everyone how full my heart is these days.  This past year has been filled with LOTS of love & laughter, and a happiness such as I have never in my life known before.  Those of you who know me know that I've had some tough battles over the years - involved myself with people who I simply "settled" for, but who were not good for me nor good TO me.  I've had to re-program my way of thinking in so many ways since finding Jerry.  It's almost foreign to me to be treated with love & respect, and to be loved just because I "am."  There is no pressure to try to be someone I'm not.  He accepts me - chubby, no make-up, goofy, clumsy, etc. etc., and despite all my imperfections, he loves me with his whole heart.  If you'd have asked me last September if I would ever love and/or trust again, I would've said, "No way, no how!!"  Well, talk about having to eat my words.  LOL

Anyway... I am rambling. I just wanted to express my happiness in words tonight.  I am thankful to the Powers That Be for bringing Jerry & his son Royce into my & Maggie's lives.  Life is WONDERFUL.  I am overflowing.  :) 

Bright blessings to you & yours,

Sitting down for a nice lunch.

And we're off on our adventure.

Hmm... sooooo much to choose from... think I'll have a cheeseburger! :)

My honey & my hambone

The view from where we sat at Angelo & Son's Seafood Restaurant, Panacea, FL

Fried Crab Claws

These were THE BEST stuffed mushrooms I have EVER tasted!

Time to refuel - and Mags woke up from her snooze when we stopped.

Welcome to Historical Apalachicola, Florida!

Our son, Royce, getting ready to fly his giant-scale RC airplane - a Chief Aircraft Yak.

Of we go... into the wild, blue yonder.... :)

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