Sunday, September 12, 2010

In Loving Memory of my sister, Kathy

Kathy in the early 70s - she was about 18 or 19 here

Today is September 12, 2010.  My sister, Kathy Davis, died eight years ago today. 

Kathy was this amazingly vibrant and talented woman who had a smile that would light up any room she was in.  People were just naturally drawn to her. 

She battled alcohol for many, many years.  Eventually, her liver just gave up.  She died of complications of cirrhosis.  It was a very long, very drawn out death - one I wouldn't wish on anyone.

There isn't a day that passes that I don't think of her and wish she were still here.  My 10 year old daughter does and says so many things that I know would tickle Kathy to pieces.  And so often I'll tell my daughter, "Your Aunt Kathy sure marked you, Kiddo."  :)

Anyway, I just wanted to mark her passing on the 8th anniversary of that sad day.  Her death has left an empty place in our family.  There were 5, now there are 4 of us kids left.  It just left a "hole", ya know?

Kathy, I hope once you crossed over, you found the peace you were always searching for.

I love you,
Kathy, 1995-ish

Kathy, 1994
Kathy - 1994 (promo pic)

Kathy and Lucas

Kathy's son, Lucas - now

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