Monday, October 4, 2010

Terrorism and Such

At the risk of stirring up a huge pot of doo-doo, I am embarking on a rant about the above-referenced subjects.

I am sitting her at 3:38 a.m., Monday morning, half-listening to World News on ABC.  The government has just issued a warning to Americans travelling in Europe about suspected Al Quaida terrorist activity.  Now, I'm just a simple woman from the southern part of the USA, but I can't for the life of me understand why these people want to hurt people who are complete strangers to them.  If they want to hurt someone, go after our "wonderful" politicians who stir up all this garbage.  I've always thought that if our politicians had to go to war, there would NEVER be one.  But they sit up there in their bright, shiny offices on The Hill and stir this huge pot of s**t and then send our young people to do their fighting for them after they've pissed off the entire world.  And this makes sense HOW? 

How many of these politicians have children that are in our armed forces?  Do they gladly ship their sons & daughters to "the Sandbox" with a hug and kiss and say, "Kill one for Daddy"?  I don't think so.  They've got their children in college, driving fancy cars, partying and living the good life, while the average family sends their beloved children over there - never knowing if they'll come back in a box or not. Or worse - physically & psychologically damaged for the rest of their lives.

And we don't only have to worry about travelling to Europe, but Mexico is crazy as well now because the drug lords have taken over.  I say make drugs legal - if the idiots want to smoke pot and snort coke, or whatever, let 'em.  Eventually, they will die, and we'll have some "cleansing" of sorts in their deaths.  Problem solved.  (Of course, if they want to use, I think they should be sterilized so they can't bring any children into their messed up lives.)

My simple little brain cannot understand all this stuff.  I am a quiet, peaceful person who just wants to live their life.  I want to travel to Europe and experience the history of places that are pretty much ancient.  What I don't understand is that by doing harm to random "nobodies" can make a difference in ANYONE'S war.  I just want to be left alone to see the things in the world that should be seen and experienced and not have to fear for my life for having the experience.

I am not a religous person.  I do, however, believe in a Higher Power - by whatever name you want to call Him/Her/It.  I don't believe that there is any one religion that is the "right" religion.  Yet, people kill in the name of their God every single day.  Why?  I just don't get it.  Worship in peace, for goodness' sake.  Believe whatever you feel is right in your heart, but do no harm to anyone.  I don't get why wars are started in the name of God/Allah/Buddah/Mohammed or whoever. 

These are the things, I supposed, that will forever remain a mystery to me.  I will never understand "human nature," I guess.  World politics and politicians suck.  Period.  It's not just America, but ALL of them.  "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

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