Sunday, September 5, 2010

Two and a half years later....Life is better than good

Well, friends it's been 2-1/2 years since my last Blog.  Sooo much has changed in my life in that time.  I haven't even been on this page to do ANYTHING at all in all that time. 

I met Jerry, my partner, in October 2009.  It is now September 2010, and I have never been happier in my entire life.  This wonderful man came into my life when I was at an all-time low - I had lost my faith in love, in happiness, in so many things, and his sweet spirit just surrounded me with love, acceptance, trust, and all things "happy."  He is my best friend and my biggest supporter - I've never known a man like him in all my life.  And to put the icing on the cake, he loves my daughter as if she were his own.  And she thinks he hung the moon.  So, yes, life is better than good these days.  :) 

We've done lots of travelling this year.  We went to St. Augustine for Xmas 2009, then a Caribbean cruise with the kids in April; then a trip to Helen, GA in June, and then another trip to St. Augustine in July.  And we've just firmed up our Xmas travel plans for this year.  We've rented a 3 bedroom condo in St. Augustine for a whole week with the kids.  I can hardly wait!  I'm loving all this travelling, and St. Augustine is fast becoming a place I absolutely LOVE.  Got to do a couple of "ghost hunts" - which was lots of fun for me.  I've always liked to watch shows & read books about ghosties, so it just tickled me to finally get to go on some ghost hunts of my own.   We don't get in any rush when we go places - Jerry is just so laid back, and we don't "plan" out any formal activities until we get there and decide what we're in the mood to do & see. 

We're tentatively planning a trip to Scotland - not anytime soon - but in the not-too-distant future.  Jerry is retired Navy and has been all over the world - a few times, but he's ready to see alot of the world as a "tourist."  So, he's all for seeing some of the places I've always dreamed of going to.  We try to sample at least one "weird" food item when we go places.  So far, Mag & I have tried calamari, gator tail, escargot, and conch.  We're not up to par with Andrew Zimmern's "Bizarre Foods" by any stretch of the imagination, but hey, we're doing pretty good for two gals from 'Bama.  LOL  There's not much in the culinary department Jerry hasn't tried, so, he's introducing us to new things all the time.  And speaking of food - this man is a FABULOUS cook, too.  He usually has the main course ready when I get home from work, and then I'll finish up with the vegies and sides.  He's been retired since 1994, and so stays home while the kids are in school and I go to work.  He keeps this 6 acre yard and our home in tip-top shape, too.  He's like the energizer bunny around here.  :) 

Jerry's son, Royce, is going to turn 17 next month, and he's been a wonderful addition to our lives as well.  Mag looks up to him, and he's a young man with great strength of character, humor, and very goal oriented.  The day after he turns 17, he will receive his private pilot's license.  He is gearing up for college already - Embry Riddle.  And he will be joining the Air Force after that - will go in as an officer.  I've never seen ANY kid so goal-oriented in my life!  He knows what he's going to do for the rest of his life as far as his career goes.  He is passionate about flying - and is really good at it.  He flies over the house when he goes out, and gives us a "wave" with the wings of the aircraft sometimes.  It's really cool! 

I guess, for a first blog in 2-1/2 years, this one's a good one.  I was so unhappy all that time ago - and now, I'm in such a different place.  I'm no longer on the "defense" all the time, my child is happy, healthy, and well adjusted, and I'm in love with the man I've always dreamed of having in my life.  Color me "at peace & happy." 

And I have to thank Jerry for bringing all of this to me & Maggie.  His gentle spirit, his easy smile, his "realness", his genuine loving heart - all of this has enriched my world more than words can say.  Thank you, Jerry, for loving us, for always being there (come hell or highwater), and for taking such good care of your girls.

Until next time...

Love & Light to you all.  :)

Thought I'd share some pix of my family.

My Family @ hotel in Miami before Cruise
In Grand Cayman
Maggie - Scared @ St. Augustine Ghost Hunt

Looking off our cruise ship at Miami

Mag just told Jerry he was a "Grandpa" now that she
has her baby - she named her Elizabeth Swann (from
Pirates of the Caribbean)

Royce flying in St. Augustine with Craig Fordem of
The Aerobatic Experience

1 comment:

Grandma Davis said...

Awwwwwe so happy for you Julie thanks for sharing your blog. Everyone deserves the happiness you have found. The world would be a much better place if everyone could find what you have found. Enjoy the ride! You still have a lot of living to do!
Love ya cuz!, Denise