Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11, 2010

Good Saturday morning.  :) 

I've got so much rattling around in my head today, I don't know quite where to start. 

Today is the 9th anniversary of the attack of September 11, 2001.  That year, as a whole, was one of the toughest of my life.  My mom had died of metasticized breast cancer on June 28th that year; my sister, Kathy, was dying from cirrhosis related complications (she lived exactly 1 year and 1 day after Sept. 11, 2001), and I had a young child (she was not quite 18 months when the attacks happened).  I felt like a walking ghost myself that year - my body was present, but my spirit was so bruised from losing Mama, I just wasn't myself at all.  All I can recall about that day specifically was feeling totally "lost." 

Fast forward to 2010:  all over the news & tv this a.m. are remembrances of that day.  And we have this yahoo preacher in Gainesville, FL, who's itching to burn a trailer-full of Korans.  Yeah, let's stir all those radical Muslims up - NOT!  I HATE religion AND politics.  No good can ever come of either of them.  In my simple little brain, I cannot for the life of me understand why people just can't leave people alone!  I don't care WHAT religion you practice - Christianity, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan, WHATEVER - it's personal.  Keep it to yourself.  Don't try to "recruit" me or anyone else to your way of thinking.  Live your life - do what YOU know is right for yourself and your family, but keep it personal. 

I don't believe there is any one "right" religion.  If your faith sustains you, brings you joy and comfort, then it's the "right one" for you.  Right?  Everyone thinks their God is the only one, and I think it's great that they have that much faith and belief, but everyone else is just as confident that the way the believe and worship is just as right.  Who is ANYONE to say that any of us is right or wrong?  It's what you feel in your heart that matters most.  

I live in the Bible Belt, and sometimes I think I'm the only one who doesn't attend a church around here.  Anyone who thinks Christianity isn't as corrupt as Muslims is sadly mistaken.  I'm not saying it's all bad, but look at all the crap that goes on:  preachers stealing money from the offering plate, Catholic priests molesting little boys, pastors & parishioners sleeping with each other, etc., etc.  That isn't how it's supposed to be.    Hell, people just need to do the right thing - all the time - period.  I don't care WHAT religion you are - DO THE RIGHT THING. 

The churches that "require" their priests to be celibate are just asking for trouble.  They forget that above all else, these priests are just human - not perfect god(s).  And sex is a human condition - it feels good, we all want to do it.  So, by forbidding it, does it not make them want to try it that much more?  I know when, as a child, I was told I couldn't do something, it made me want to try it that much more.  And these priests/preachers are the head of so many people - people who just want to be loved and made to feel needed/wanted by these charismatic men.  And so often, men & women are unable to separate physical love from emotional love.  To them, it's one and the same.

Religion, in itself, can be a dangerous thing in some instances.  People take it to extremes - in EVERY religion.  And they're all convinced they're doing the right thing.  Their way is the ONLY right way in their eyes:  those poor saps who all committed suicide in Jonestown, the ones who were going to hop a ride on the Hale-Bopp Comet, the folks in Waco, and the list goes on and on.  They were all fed a bunch of s**t by people who virtually "hypnotized" them with their garbage. 

I am not a "joiner" of anything.  I am perfectly content with loving my family and friends - those are the only groups I'll ever join.  I have faith and belief in a Divine Something-or-Other - I don't even know what to call it.  But I know that I treat people with respect and I behave with honor and integrity, and I am truthful.  I will help people when they are in need, I offer my friendship and support to them, and they know I am true-blue through and through.  I pay my bills, honor my agreements, and I don't make promises I can't keep.  And I am doing my best to teach my daughter to be the same way.   Because, when it's all said & done, your character is what counts the most - no matter what religious label you fall under. 

And that's what's on my mind this morning.  Hope I didn't put you to sleep.  :P

Love & Light to you all,

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