Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My First Blog in Ages

Hello Everyone - This is my first blog on this site and my first blog in AGES. I got a little carried away with my old blog, and made it my place to unload all the crap in my head. Well, I'm going to do my best to make sure this doesn't become that.

I am working on getting myself healthy this year. I have finally given up cigarettes. I've been "clean" since January 18, 2008, and I feel SO much better just from doing that. Now I've got to work on dropping a 1/2 a ton of excess weight. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with, I do believe. But I am taking a proactive stance in the matter this time and doing my best to focus more on getting healthy rather than the numbers on my scale. I have been a slave to those numbers for YEARS, and I'm just done with that. When my clothes start fitting again, then I'll know I have reached my goal. And then I'll move on to the next goal.

You can tell Spring is fast approaching here in Northwest Florida. There is a fine sheen of yellow pollen dusting EVERYTHING outside. We're all fighting the sneezies around here, but this too shall pass - when the pollen does.

Mag is getting ready to be done with 2nd grade. My goodness, how time has flown. She'll be 8 on the 28th of this month. Seems just yesterday, she was a tiny little squalling ball of fury, and now, well, she makes me feel inadequate intellectually sometimes. She's a smart little turkey. But she's still Mama's sweetheart. How I ended up with a child as compassionate as she is, I'll never know.

We were watching a show called, "Growing up Wolf" on Discovery yesterday, and when they talked about some of the adult wolves killing some of the pups, she freaked out. She said, "Mom, I just don't understand... how can that be? How can a mom kill her own child?" And there were these huge tears rolling down her cheeks. This fact of nature truly bothered her.

I did my best to explain that sometimes the babies are sickly and the parents eat the babies because of a variety of possible birth defects, and then went on to tell her about how "only the strong survive in the wild", and well.... let's just say that my explanation was totally inadequate to her way of thinking, and she thought that was the most horrific thing for an animal parent to do to its' own babies.

Do you ever wonder what your impact is on your child(ren)? I can only hope I'm instilling some good things in Mags. I hope she learns honesty from me, and to be forthright, and to be kind. I hope she gets her dad's hard work ethics, his friendliness, and his long legs. And I hope all the good things our parents taught us will spill over to her. I want only the best for her.

Okay, I'm signing off for now. Don't know how often I'll do this. I'm not as "profound" or talented as my friend Jiggy-E or my brother-in-law, L-Quad. They are masters at this blogging stuff. And they're both really interesting folks. Me, I'm just plain ol' Julie. I don't ride roller coasters, I like real butter, and I HATE exercise. That pretty much sums me up. But, anyway, welcome to my blogspot.
I look forward to seeing what this develops into.

Blessed be!

1 comment:

Tom said...

Jewie, good luck with your new blog. Hope it's going to be a happier experience than your previous one.

