Monday, March 17, 2008

Hairdressers Having a Bad Day

The Magster & I went and got our hair cut this weekend at one of those "strip mall" chain beauty shops. I can't recall the name of it, but that is not important. I try to avoid these places as much as possible. I have been known to drive from Jackson, TN down to my hometown of Andalusia, Alabama JUST for a good haircut by my good friend, Ticia, and to avoid going to a "stranger."

Well, I start my new job today, and I knew I was in DESPERATE need of a haircut, and finances just did not permit the two and a half hour trek to Andalusia to see Ticia last Friday. So, I sucked it up and Mags & I went to this salon (a term I use loosely) by WalMart. If I'm going to risk a bad haircut, I don't want to pay a lot for it, ya know?

Anyway, we go in, they greet us (so far, so good), and have us sign in. We had barely gotten sat down when Maggie was called. The lady who called us was probably close to my age, fairly decent looking, but boy did she have a chip on her shoulder. She was obviously angry about something, and didn't do a very good job of hiding her feelings. Well, folks, I don't know about you, but I can't help but be a little nervous around a pissed off stranger with a pair of scissors in her hand. You know you're probably going to get a really shitty haircut from someone who really couldn't care less whether you know she's having a really bad day or not.

So, I did all I could to put her at ease. If you know me, I am a "people pleaser" kind of person, and I smile (even if I'm mad as hell), and I'll do all I can to keep those around me happy and comfortable. Maggie is trying to talk to her - and most people are engaged by Mag pretty quickly, but not this sour puss. She wasn't having any of it. She was sarcastic sounding in her answers to Maggie, very impatient acting, and just generally did NOT want to be there doing what she was doing.

Here is where I'm going with this story. If you happen to be one of these people who work at one of these types of establishments, PLEASE take some friendly advice.

1. If you don't want to be there, find another salon in which to work. It's not the clients fault that you're unhappy working there. Don't take your frustration out on them.

2. Smile and engage your client. Especially your women clients. We go to the beauty shop to make ourselves feel better. And it is your job to make us feel like we're beautiful (even if we look like crap). That's what we're paying you for. That is the profession YOU chose, so do it and keep the personal crap away from the salon.

3. I understand that it is hard as hell to work with a bunch of women - everyone's moody at one time or another, feelings get hurt, things get said - it's just not a pleasant prospect most of the time, I'm sure. Here again, if you don't like your co-workers, go find another job. You have a skill that is very much necessary and sought after, and if you're worth your salt, you can find a job anywhere you go.

4. I understand everyone has their bad days. Maybe those are the days you need to call in "sick", because you cause more damage to this particular kind of business coming in all pissy than if you just stayed at home and rode out the storm for the day. Your clients will appreciate you staying home that day. As will everyone who has to be around you.

Okay, that's my rant for the day. I will not be going back to this particular chain for another haircut. (I had to fix the mistakes she made on Mag's hair myself - I wasn't about to take her back and ask that mad woman to fix her mistakes.)

There is a lot to be said to finding the "one" - the one hairdresser who knows you, who knows how to cut & style your hair the way you like it, and the hairdresser who makes you feel special when you sit in her chair. I have a treasure in Ticia. I've been going to her since 1993 - and I imagine I'll be going to her til the end of time. :)

Ticia, if you're reading this: THANK YOU for always being so awesome, for making me feel like someone special when I sit in your chair, and for making me feel like you truly value not only my business, but me in general. I know better than to "cheat" on you with other hairdressers. (LOL) I won't do it anymore!!

Love & Light,

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